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Want New Connections On Social Media? Here are Some Easy Ways

Posted on Categories Business Listing

Everyone knows social media is a great and easiest way to get connects with the customers but how you can increase your connection when you have just started or a small business owner new at the place.
Here are some quick tips especially for small business owners to get new connections on social media platforms.

1. Hashtags are friends ##

Twitter is all based on hashtags, add 2 or 3 hashtags on your posts and you if you are not familiar with them then simply you can type on the search bar with starting “#” and you will get the suggestion of it.

2. Sharing and Sharing

Yes! You can also share your blogs on LinkedIn and tag a friend in the post with a question asking to him/her. And can refer it to another person too. So when they comment their connections will see it and you will get your new connections.

3. Ads and Audience

Turn your every single post of Facebook public and also post an ad. Target the audience who are actually interested.

If you have not listed your business yet, claim it here at YoureStatus.com

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