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Social Media Isn’t About You, Its about Customers

Are you one of them who thinks that social media is not right for you, your customers are not there, your business doesn’t fit for social media. Now think again because social media is not about you, it’s about customers and their needs and requirements, we have to engage them.

Are your customers not there?
It’s not true, they are present. In a survey it has found that 71% of internet users in U.S have a facebook account and 50% adults use 2 different accounts for social media.

Need to Meet the expectation
If your business is not present on the social media, you are actually not meeting the customer’s expectations. They must be looking for you there and if they don’t found you, you are missing the ring from them.

Every industry is a good fit
Social media is for every Local business no matter which one is yours. But you need to look out which platform fits best for you and people are engaging more for that particular business category.

Now you know that social media is for everyone and it helps to grow your business, but not every platform is for every business industry.

But an active account engages more customers and they can communicate directly with you. So be active, be social, be updated and list your business now for free at YoureStatus.com.

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