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How Can You Create a Perfect Facebook Post With More Engagements?

You have a facebook business page and you know you have to post on it and being on the Facebook News Feed has become as competitive as being on Google’s first page.
There’s a fine art to creating a Facebook post that not only gets your content read but also gets people talking about it and sharing it.

1. Word Count: Short and Sweet
For an ideal facebook post, 40 characters is a standard length for it, short and simple post always attract people. But only creating the post will not help you, sending people to your blog post will increase the website traffic and quality visitors on it.

2. Call-To-Action
Your readers will not interact with your post if it is one sided only, you will only get the benefit of social media when your post and content is two-way and social media is made for that only.
Here are some ways through which you can communicate.
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3. Hashtags
So many people think that hashtags are for Twitter only bu no you are wrong, even Instagram and facebook hashtags are soo popular nowadays and in a research, it has found that the posts with hashtags see an average of 60% more interactions as compared to the posts with no hashtags.

4. Tag people
Facebook permits you to tag other people in your post. So are you using it for before and after for client’s office makeover? Tagg them in it and grab the spotlight! It’s best to get authorization first. This is an extraordinary approach to telling people that what you can do and what you offer to your clients.

5. Success links
Linking the posts to your blogs is not enough because re-directing them to the correct page will benefit you, you can also create some landing pages for particular web blogs.
Facebook id doing a great job of showing what number of reach and engagements your post is getting, however, you have to only think about that what should a client do after redirecting on your page.

6. Visual Content
We all know that a content with image gets more engagement and after research, it has found that photos get an average of 2.35 interactions per post.
Obviously, you need to consider that 88% of Facebook posts do have images

Do social media marketing as much as you can but with the right way of using and get more benefits from it. List your business now at YoureStatus.com

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