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Google update: Mobile Websites are Key for Your Business Success

Google has announced that there are more searches are done on a mobile device rather than the desktop one. Is your business ready for this?

Google is doing a test on new web site index which will include the content of mobile websites, not the desktop website.

Most people are searching for a mobile device “Google has announced this” and to make results useful and important, they begin with the experiments to make their index mobile-first.
The google index is “central filing system” where the search engines will gather the information after crawling the web.

Now google index will give the search results on the basis of content but from the mobile websites not with the desktop one, your desktop website will still rank but they will read through mobile-first site indexing tools.

Desktop websites will be appearing in google search results but a website which is mobile optimized is having an advantage. If your business website has technical differences between a mobile and desktop website then your traffic will go down when this new indexing will implement in 2017

So if your desktop and mobile website contain different content and markup character then you should talk to your developer and change them as soon as possible. If your website is already a mobile-responsive, you don’t need to change anything.

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