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Categorizing your WebPages can Help Clients to find your Website

Create landing pages for your business website to boost search ranking and products you sell.

Being a small business owner you may have products and services range but customers who search online for a specific task, will not search by the company name. If you are a technician and you know everything from fan ceiling to breaker box replacement but the customer is looking for something specific in technician then you will be needing the category pages because they may don’t know where to go for finding but they know clearly what they are looking for.

Category pages are the landing pages only but they are separate from the website which you make for categories your business more focus on.

These web pages help in increasing your website ranking in online searching for terms that are linked to those products and services. And if done correctly then it will also improve your SEO and retrieve the actual customers on your web page.
Tips to keep in mind when to categorize your products and services-

1. Original content must use:
It is possible that you sell similar products but that doesn’t mean that you should copy the text every time because google will not get which page, instead of that write a unique content every time which will help in good ranking

2. Give Link to related or similar categories and products:
Interlinking increase sales by displaying similar products and services of interest.

Categorizing the products and services not increase ranking only, it will also attract the professional buyers who are looking for some specific products and service. List your business today at YoureStatus.com for free.

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